Course Detail: AASHTOSPONSORS - AASHTO Sponsorship
What is AASHTO Leadership Institute (ALI):
The AASHTO Leadership Institute (ALI) is a nine-day immersive professional development experience held in the heart of Lawrence, Kansas. ALI provides research-driven, professional instruction from KU faculty and transportation professionals. ALI focuses on self-discovery and practical management techniques. Over the course of ALI, participants build their leadership skills and knowledge, learn to motivate and enable employees for organizational excellence and develop a greater understanding of transportation issues and resources available. The content is provided in a rich, experiential way where participants can expect hands-on instruction, engaging discussions, and the opportunity to learn by doing.
Who Attends:
Supervisors, managers, and leaders with organization-wide impact.
June 19 - 27 in Lawrence, Kansas
What Does Sponsorship Mean:
Platinum sponsorship - $2,000 includes 2 tickets to transportation reception, logo on conference materials, and linkage to the organization on the main page of the conference digital app.
Gold sponsorship - $1,000 includes 1 ticket to transportation reception, logo on conference materials.
Silver sponsorship - $500 includes logo on conference materials.