Course Detail: O_CONDOS2 - Condos revisited

In April of 2021 we held a one-time "popup" discussion where interested OLLI members could chat about condos. It was quite popular, and we have had a request to repeat the session. Please come and join us on Tuesday May 21 at 7PM via zoom -- there will be no lecture, just a discussion with OLLI members who may live in a condo now or may be considering purchasing one. Bring your experiences, your advice, and your questions.

Course Pre-requisites
(required) OLLI Membership 2023-2024

 Session Information: OPSP24_POPUP_CONDOS (50 seats (100%) remaining)

Schedule: Every day, starting on 05/21/24 and ending on 05/21/24
Only 17 days left to register!
Times: 07:00pm-08:30pm EDT
Free event : $0.00

Facility Detail

Your Street
Your Town, ME 00000