Course Detail: Inclusion: Working with Students with Special Needs in General Education Classrooms

This course is designed to help special and general educators gain a better understanding of inclusion, one of the current educational reform movements that advocates educating students with disabilities in the general education classrooms. Upon course completion, the learner will be able to define key concepts and terms, identify and describe federal legislature and court cases, and list and describe the federal definition of students entitled to special services. This course will also discuss the roles and responsibilities of educators in providing special services to students educated in inclusive classrooms.

 Program Detail: 23OE-APVINC-01VA

Schedule: Class is virtual and self-paced.
Times: 12:00am-11:59pm EDT
Regular Registration : $255.00


Please note: You have six months from the date of enrollment to complete your studies. Successful completion of these courses qualifies the student for CEUs only. Courses do not qualify for academic credit from Georgia Southern University.

Facility Detail

PO Box 8124
Statesboro, GA 30458