Course Detail: Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development

This course explores contemporary best practice and perspectives on early childhood development. Content includes patterns and sequences of typical development for children from birth to six years. Emphasis is on individual differences, cultural influences, and the impact of developmental delay and disability during infancy, toddlerhood, and the preschool years. Discussion will also include instructional technology (IT) and assistive technology (AT) applications for this population.

 Program Detail: 23OE-APVTAD-01VA

Schedule: This is an asynchronous, start when you like, work at your own pace, executive education training program. Please note that this course does not have a start and end time. You will have 6 months to complete the program from the date of registration.
Times: 12:00am-11:59pm EDT
Registration : $305.00


Please note: You have six months from the date of enrollment to complete your studies. Successful completion of these courses qualifies the student for CEUs only. Courses do not qualify for academic credit from Georgia Southern University.


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VESi Instructor

Facility Detail

PO Box 8124
Statesboro, GA 30458