Course Detail: C_EQUINE - Equine Assisted Interventions

This course will provide an introduction to the spectrum of Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT) modalities, but will focus upon the mental health therapy and educational aspects of EAAT, clearly differentiating between therapy and therapeutic aspects, as well as roles and limitations for practitioners with different backgrounds and licensure. Topics include history, theories, research, terminology, safety and ethics, and the practice and differentiation between several forms of EAAT. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of the human-equine bond as part of EAAT for clients and practitioners. The course will emphasize the role of the equine as co-facilitator and partner, working with the counselor or educator to facilitate treatment or educational goals.


This course is also offered for USM graduate-level credit as PDS 527. Contact for more information about graduate-level credit and/or questions about this course.


NOTE: Registrants will be contacted via email after registration regarding setting up a USM Brightspace account.


Instructor Name: Clare Thomas-Pino


Available Sessions