Course Detail: C_MSAD61SUMTECH45 - MSAD 61 Summer Technology Institute

Contact Hrs/CEUs: 45/4.5

The Summer Technology Institute's themes introduce technology integrated into district goals around teacher improvement and student achievement.  The teacher improvement framework is based on the technology strands of the six domains of the Teacher Evaluation rubric (Planning and Preparation for Learning, Classroom Management, Delivery of Instruction, Monitoring, Assessment and Follow-Up, Family and Community Outreach, and Professional Responsibilities), while student achievement outcomes are tied closely to the ISTE standards for students and the 4 C's (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and ollaboration).

Each day we will examine areas of the teacher evaluation rubric and evaluate tools and strategies to improve student learning through seamless technology use in the classroom.

Instructor Name: Joshua Sturk

Available Sessions