Course Detail: C_FRESCOS - Frescos - Center for Book Arts Workshop

Have you ever wondered how frescos are made? 

Join artist Barbara Sullivan for a hands-on exploration of this age-old medium. During this two-day intensive, students will develop an understanding and appreciation of true buon fresco (painting into freshly laid wet plaster) within both an art historical context, as well as in practical applications. Students will learn the many steps involved, such as how to prepare substrates, arriccio and intonaco layers of plaster, how to grind pigments, and knowing when the plaster is ready to accept paint! 

All these techniques will be put into practice as students design and execute their own portable fresco panels. Instructor Barbara Sullivan taught at The University of Maine at Farmington for many years. She has been a practicing fresco painter since 1990. Her work can be viewed at in Rockland, ME. She is a recipient of both The Esther and Adolph Gottlieb Foundation Grant and The Pollock/Krasner Grant. She has a studio in Lincolnville, ME where she lives.

Please bring Watercolor brushes, mask, gloves and safety glasses

Available Sessions