T&L 2900: Students at the Center Resource Study
This course is designed to introduce participants to the language, the purpose, and execution of meaningful personalized competency-based learning (PCBL). This course will help participants rethink traditional teacher and student roles and reexamine goal setting, lesson planning, assessment, and feedback practices.
Participants will learn to establish classrooms that prioritize:
- Voice-Involving students in "the what" and "the how" of learning and equipping them to be stewards of their own education.
- Co-creation-Guiding students to identify the challenges and concepts they want to explore and outline the actions they will take.
- Social construction-Having students work with others to theorize, pursue common goals, build products, and generate performances.
- Self-discovery-Teaching students to reflect on their own developing skills and knowledge so that they will acquire new understandings of themselves and how they learn.