Excellence in Online Teaching

In this online course, you will learn about online teaching best practices, including student engagement, instructor presence, feedback, and communication. 

Course Learning Objectives:
CLO1: Define common terms related to online teaching.
CLO2: Discuss important considerations and actions to take in the opening days of an online course. 
CLO3: Discuss the principles of Quality Matters (QM) and the importance of QM certifications.
CLO4: Explain federal regulations and UA policy regarding Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI).
CLO5: List the three types of student engagement and discuss tools and techniques for achieving them.
CLO6: Explain UA copyright policy and discuss the use of UA Library resources.
CLO7: Explain and apply the legal requirements for accessibility in university courses.

Completion of this course earns the Excellence in Online Teaching digital credential. A myBama ID is required for participation.

Schedule: Every day, starting on 09/01/24 and ending on 03/01/25
Times: 12:01am-11:00pm CDT
Location: 42 Online session available to start anytime!

Session ID: FD-2201-EOT001-01
Standard Fee for Event : $0.00

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