Instructor: David Carpenter

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Classes By This Instructor

This online certificate program prepares you to audit and improve electrical safety programs, which is based on the annually required audit per the 2012edition of NFPA 70E and OSHA Standards.

October 1-12, 2024, Online Program
Mandatory 2-hour course including a project of student teaching a topic for a 10 to 15- minute presentation required by the following certificate programs:Electrical Safety Train-the-Trainer Qualified Electrical Worker, Electrical Safety Train-the-Trainer Unqualified Electrical Worker and Electrical Safety Auditor Certificate.
October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course explains how to develop an electrical safety checklist germane to your facility or plant. It includes the administration, documentation, and technicalknowledge needed to design your checklist.

Prerequisites: None

Cost: $100.00 if taken as an individual course.

This course is included in the curriculum of our online Electrical Safety Auditor Certificate Program.

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This online course explains six essential steps needed for any Electrical SafetyProgram. It includes the administration, documentation, and technical knowledgeneeded to design and maintain your electrical safety program.

Prerequisites: None

Cost: $150.00 if taken as an individual course.

This course is included in the curriculum of our online Electrical Safety Auditor Certificate Program.

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course prepares students to understand basic electricaltheorems as they apply to codes and standards. You will learn the theoretical intentof the electrical code-making body and understand the purpose of how electrical codes and standards are applied in real world situations.
October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course presents students with detailed information on how torecognize and handle electrical hazards when working with less than 600 volts of electricity. Case studies with proven applications to electrical hazards areexplained.

October 1-12, 2024, Online Program
This course presents students with detailed information on how torecognize and handle electrical hazards when working with above 600 volts of electricity. Case studies with proven applications to electrical hazards are explained.

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course trains students in the principles of electrical safety. The student will learn to identify potential electrical safety hazards and how to handle those hazards. The student will also be made aware of the workers' value as a part of the electrical task force or onsite authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course trains students how to look up issues in the NationalElectrical Code quickly and accurately. Specific rules and definitions areexplained concerning how to properly apply services, feeders, and branch circuits to real world applications. Students should fully know how to use the National Electrical Code for any application, as applied to electrical hazards and operations, when finished with this course.

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course covers the basic principles of grounding, bonding, and shielding and their use in protecting the electrical worker and othersassociated with the operation, installation, and construction of equipment.

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course provides the qualified electrical worker with information to properly use maintenance techniques and requirements that avoid potential electrical hazards. It specifically provides techniques to prevent shock and fire hazards associated with electrical equipment maintenance.

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This course is valuable training for those who work with industrial machines, especially maintenance and construction personnel. This course makes the worker aware of deficiencies that should be corrected immediatelyto avoid potential electrical hazards.

October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
The Qualified Electrical Worker Certificate Program helps the employer meet the NFPA and OSHA requirements that workers be qualified. This series assures both employee and the employer that proper attention and training have been given to the employee concerning potential electric shock, fire and arc flash hazards. This program is available 24/7. Work at your own pace.
October 1, 2024 to September 7, 2025, Online Program
Train-the-Trainer Program for Qualified Electrical Workers Available 24/7 Work at own pace Once registered, you will receive via email a user name, password and instructions to begin.
October 1-12, 2024, Online session available to start anytime!
This online certificate program prepares you to train designated Unqualified Electrical Workers (OSHA terminology) such as welders, pipe fitters, operators, etc. You will be able to train participants on how to recognize and respond safely to electrical hazards.
October 1, 2024 to September 7, 2025, Online session available to start anytime!