Course Detail: LTPTES - TUS207 Total Eclipse of Sun in Arkansas

Refund Deadline Line: Monday, Apr. 1
Leader: Philip Malone (
Depart BCC: 5:30 a.m.
Return to BCC: 10:30 p.m.
Fee: $28 (transportation)
Activity level: Moderate - long trip riding in a van and a long day

Opportunity to see a total eclipse of the sun. This will be a one-day trip to see the total eclipse of the sun as it crosses Arkansas. We will pick the most likely place to view it based on weather reports the morning of the eclipse. The eclipse will last about three hours, with the totality lasting about four minutes. Remember, never look directly at the sun without proper equipment. Viewing glasses will be provided.

Course Pre-Requisites
(required) OLLI at UA - Annual Membership 2023-2024

Available Sessions