Course Detail: ECE-4007 - Survival Skills for Center Directors

Become more comfortable in the job of Child Care Center Director by discovering key elements of a center director's job. Identify strategies for making the job more enjoyable while becoming a more effective leader.

 Session Information: 2025ST-ECE-4007-O9111

Schedule: Every week on every day, starting on 11/04/24 and ending on 11/10/24
Tuition: $39 : $39.00

Important Information

Technical requirements:

  • Reliable access to a laptop or desktop including internet accessibility

Technical skills to:

  • Send emails and attachments
  • Copy and paste text
  • Scan a document
  • Take a screenshot
  • Open and read pdf files
  • Play media (including audio and video files)
  • Have and use word processing software (such as MS Office Word)
  • Use presentation software (such as PowerPoint)
  • Upload and download pdf and word files
  • Utilize the video camera and microphone either on the computer or cell phone

Online students resolve their own technology issues involving computers and related equipment as well as internet access.

View this link for the Expectations for Students in Online Classes for more details.


Name Additional Resources
Jessica Swalley

Facility Detail

Virtual Location
Tulsa, OK 74147

Refund Guidelines