Course: UofL Employees-Leadership Tools Showcase Series: Establish Your Baseline, Choose Your Tools, and Pursue Your Potential: The Positive Leadership Simple Self-Assessment

Every month, the Center for Positive Leadership offers new leadership tools to help people increase their impact in their organizations and in their lives, but how do you know which tools to use? Which tools will help the most in your effort to increase your influence and effectiveness? 

To help you maximize your growth potential, the Center is now releasing the first in a series of assessment and reflection tools designed to help you increase self-awareness and more effectively practice positive leadership. 

The first of these tools is the Positive Leadership Simple Self-Assessment. 

This assessment lets you choose which virtues are most relevant to your success: 

In your organization or community, do people most need you to lead with accountability? 
  • Ambition?
  • Courage?
  • Compassion? 
  • Curiosity? 
  • Forgiveness?
  • Humility?
  • Integrity?
It then helps you assess yourself using those virtues. 
However, it also requires you to assess yourself using the positive opposite of each virtue you choose. This may challenge you to think differently about your leadership, and the impact you are having on others.

Join us for an experience in how this self-assessment can help you identify the tools you need to achieve your potential and help others to achieve theirs as well.

Note: This registration page is for University of Louisville employees. If you are not a UofL employee, please click here to access the public enrollment page.

 Session Detail:

Schedule: Every day, starting on 05/21/24 and ending on 05/21/24
Only 13 days left to register!
Eastern Standard Time: 07:30am-09:00am EDT
UofL pricing : $15.00


Name Additional Resources
Ryan Quinn

Facility Detail

Shelby Campus
Founders Union, Rm 201
450 N Whittington Pkwy
Louisville, KY 40222
Founders Union, Rm 201

Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of 100.00% will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 14 days of the start of this session.