Course: Market Segmentation and Positioning

This course explores how to gain a competitive advantage on the basis of different customer demands so that marketers can provide effective and efficient marketing strategies and decision making.

Market Segmentation and Positioning microcredential introduces you to content through modules.  Content requires approximately 15 to 20 hours to complete.  Learning assessment will be conducted through learning activities.  To successfully complete the microcredential and earn a digital badge, you must achieve a minimum passing score of 75%.

Topics covered in this course are:

1. Segmentation Bases and Methods
2. Segmentation Application and Target Market Selection: Cluster Analysis
3. Conceptual Understanding Positioning
4. Positioning Methods: MDS vs. Factor Based Perceptual Mapping
5. Strategic Decision Making based on Positioning

 Course Details:

Schedule: Fully online, asynchronous course October 14 - December 13, 2024
Registration opening soon.

Additional Information:

Refund/Cancellation Policy:

Refunds are not available for this program