Course Detail: AUMT-1045 - Automotive Climate Control Systems
This is the second course of our Auto Climate Control program and coursework continues with the systems of automotive air conditioning and heating system malfunctions, manual and electronic climate control systems, and safety.
EPA guidelines for refrigerant replacement are presented. Classes are taught at the Ball High Automotive Center. Students must wear PPE.
This course prepares students to take the ASE-Entry Level-Automobile-Heating and Air Conditioning exam, and successful completer will earn an Occupational Skills award upon the completion of both AUMT 1041 and AUMT 1045.
A classroom set of textbooks is available for use. This program is TPEG and payment plan eligible. Students must complete both courses to be awarded certificate.
Course Pre-requisites
(requisite) Automotive Climate Control Systems Theory
(requisite) Diesel Engine Testing and Repair II
Available Sessions (Click on Date and Scroll down to add to Cart)
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