Course Detail: ITSC-1025 - Personal Computer Hardware: IT Essentials
Prepare to work in IT by training to be a computer support technician. This Occupational Skills Certificate can help familiarize you with the skills needed to obtain an entry-level job. Two of these courses can be articulated to our A.A.S. in computer and networking administration.Students will have opportunities for hands-on experiences in the lab exploring software, hardware, and operating systems. Successful completion of the program should prepare students to pass the Certiport IT Specialist exam. Students will need to purchase textbooks and pay for the exam. This program is TPEG and payment plan eligible.Students must enroll concurrently in all three classes: ITSC 1025, ITSC 1044, and ITNW 1025
Course Pre-requisites
(requisite) Help Desk: Customer Service Skills
(requisite) Fundamentals of Networking Technology
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