Title: Summer Academy: Criminal Psychology
Summer Academy
The Summer Academy is a high school pre-collegeprogram for rising grades 9-12. The program is held as two one-week intensivesin June and July. Courses at taught by Centenary University Professors. Selectprograms taught by industry professionals.
The Structure
Each program offers overnight accommodations inair-conditioned residence halls with three meals and evening activities.Commuters are provided lunch daily and may also sign up for a dinner plan ifthey intend to stay for evening activities. Click here to see the schedule and for more information about theprograms offered. Courses are held Monday through Friday from 9-4pm, withorientation on Sunday for both commuters and residential students. Residentialstudents arrive on Sunday and depart on Saturday morning. Evening activitiesbegin after dinner at 7pm. Commuters are welcome and encouraged to attend.Students staying for multiple weeks have the option of going home for theweekend or staying on campus and attending a student selected field trip to anamusement or water park.
For more information on the schedule, housing,and structure of the program, visit the Summer Academy webpage.
Summer Academy: PSYCHOLOGY: Inside the Mind of aKiller
Students will be introduced to why people turnto crime, specifically serial killing through the use of case studies, videos,and other information. We will explore the different aspects of why a personchooses this as a reaction to life - drugs, trauma, brain-based issues,genetics, and mental illnesses. The students will role play being thepsychologist on some of these cases. Th student will also have the opportunityto play a game based on the criminal mind. There will be many activities thatwill help the high school student understand psychological theory as well asapply to criminals.
Dr. Christine Floether Assoc. Professor ofPsychology
Dr. Floether holds a Ph.D. from Capella University.She began her educational career at Centenary in the Psychology Department. Aftergraduation from Centenary, she earned a Masters in Clinical Psychology fromFairleigh Dickinson University and began a career at Devereux Deerhaven, in Chester,NJ. There she was a clinician for developmentally delayed, emotionallydisturbed adolescent girls. The placement was a 24/7 residential facility, andshe conducted groups on Social Skills building, Grief and Abandonment, andSurviving Sexual Abuse and Molestation. While at Devereux, she was an adjunctprofessor at Centenary and Fairleigh Dickinson. When Devereux Deerhaven closed,she became a full-time professor at Centenary. She is a member of Psi Chi Honor Society, Alpha Chi Honor Society, andwas a founder of the Psychology Club at Centenary.
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