This course is a survey of Western Art and visual culture from the late Middle Ages to the twentieth-century. Other than to present an outline history of Western art, this course seeks to introduce students cumulatively to the critical concepts and vocabulary in the study of art history, visual culture, art appreciation and historiography of art, that is, the study of the writing about art and its history. The course will seek to introduce students to historically relevant accounts of the philosophical, religious, poetic and technological contexts of art as well as to introduce new forms of historical thinking on the relevance of the recognition of social, political and economic, (race, class and gender) in the understanding of both the making of art and its audience.

Open to high school Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors

Students who wish to receive financial support from their Michigan school district should follow these steps:
1. Contact your counselor to find out your school district's dual enrollment policies.
2. Ask your guidance counselor to fill out a form or write a letter stating that you are eligible to participate in dual enrollment AND the amount that the district will pay toward the $900 cost of tuition.
3. Email the letter or form from your counselor to
4.  You will receive an email with a discount code that will allow you to register for your class and only pay that you are responsible for.  The school district will be invoiced directly at a later date for their portion of the tuition. 
5. Register on this website using the districts discount code at check out. 

Section Codes Fall 2024
24FA-PDAH-200-TVE  "Western Art History"  Virtual with no designated meeting times

 Session Information: 25WI-PDAH-200-TVC (1 seats (33%) remaining)

Schedule: Every week on Thursday, starting on 01/16/25 and ending on 05/08/25 (excluding 03/13/25)
Times: 04:00pm-06:45pm EST
PRICE : $900.00

Facility Detail

Kresge Ford (South Side)
201 East Kirby
Detroit, MI 48202