Explore basic animation techniques, including frame-by-frame animation and simple motion graphics, using user-friendly software. Through creative projects, kids will develop storytelling skills, understand movement, and experiment with their own animated characters and scenes.


Limited to ages 11-13

All supplies are included unless indicated.  Students should bring a bag lunch and a water bottle.  Snacks are optional. Students must be signed in and out daily by a parent or guardian with a photo ID.

Please note, students under age 16 are not allowed on campus unsupervised at any time. Students who need to be on campus prior to class start or after class end will need to be enrolled in our daily before and after Enrichment. Morning and Afternoon Enrichment is available for an additional $95 per student. CCS will waive the $95 Enrichment fee for the children of people who work in the city of Detroit. Qualified students should type ENRICHMENT in the discount code box at check out.  

Those who register at the same time for 4 weeks of camps prior to May 1, 2025 will receive a $175 discount. Those who register at the same time for 5-6 weeks of camps prior to May 1, 2025 will receive a $275 discount. Use the following discount codes:

Four-Weeks of Camp: CLUSTER41113

Five or Six-Weeks of Camp:  CLUSTER51113

2025 Scholarship Link Here!

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

Course Resources
25SU Y+T Handbook (PDF Document)
Apply for a 2025 Summer Scholarship by March 31!

 Session Information: 25SU-AYTH-141-Y2B

Schedule: Every day, starting on 06/23/25 and ending on 06/27/25
Times: 09:00am-03:00pm EDT
Price : $375.00


Name Additional Resources
Joshua Mulligan
Teaching Assistant

Facility Detail

WB Ford Building
201 East Kirby
Detroit, MI 48202

Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of $50.00 will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 4 days of the start of this session.