Instructor: Ngianhormua Yang
Biography: My experiences growing up as a Hmong American male in a house hold full of Hmong American females has impacted my latest body of work. Through watching the women of my family battle with the struggles, pressures, and tribulations of being Hmong, American, and female. I am inspired to show the support that the women of my culture feel is lacking within the community. As a commercial Illustrator and concept designer for the film and game industry, I am a storyteller, conversationalist, commentator, and problem solver. As an Illustrative Gallery artist, through the visual exploration of culture, heritage, and contemporary issues, my work aims to make commentary on the under represented pressures found within the Hmong American community; bringing to light the issues that deal with identity, cultural self hate, sexism, and cultural understanding of one's self. By choosing to make a visual commentary on what I have seen, I believe that the woman, and the men who witness the struggles, will be more accepting of the creation of an open dialogue. My will, and passion, to create a stronger sense of communal bonds within the community, through the use of the arts, leads me to forge a path of illustrative work within that are unafraid to make critical observed statements.