Training Information: CED-0336 - Maximize Your Impact: Transform Early Learning with Developmentally Appropriate Practice

What are the core principles of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) and why do they matter? How do you continuously improve your impact on how children thrive in your classroom? These are the key questions you will explore in this interactive training. During the training, you will define the key components of DAP, use tools for assessing what DAP in various early education settings looks like and gain an enhanced capability for applying DAP every day. This training uses a 2+2+2 training design. There are three parts to this training: 1) a two-hour Online Real Time training session; 2) two-hour assignment practicing or implementing the training material; and 3) another two-hour Online Real Time training session focused on reflection and next steps related to the training material. To receive the full 6 training hours you must attend both Online Real Time training sessions and complete the independent assignment.

 Session Information: V25SP-CED-0336-VO04 (24 seats (96%) remaining)

Schedule: Trainings will be held on Tuesday 4/8 and Tuesday 4/15/2025 from 6:00-8:00pm. There will also be 2 hours of out of class assignments to complete.
Times: 06:00pm-08:00pm EDT
Northern Lights Free Training : $0.00

Important Information

This is an Online Real Time training and will be delivered via Zoom. Participants must have an Internet connection and computer, laptop, mobile device or tablet with camera, audio, and mic. If you have questions about using Zoom, contact your Resource Advisor or visit Your trainer will email a Zoom link to you prior to the start of the training.

The resource advisor for this training is Elise Doner. Please email her at if you have any questions about the training

Registration will close on 4/6/2025.


Name Additional Resources
Elizabeth Brown

Facility Detail

CCV Online
Northern Lights Online Real Time
Online, VT 0000