Training Information: CED-0119 - Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms: Lessons from Children's Literature

This training uses the medium of children's literature to explore dynamic identities such as race, culture, ethnicity, gender identity, and family composition in early learning settings. Participants will examine representation in children's literature, learn strategies for talking about difference with children, and explore tools to positively embrace students and families of diverse identities in their programs

This training uses a 2+2+2 training design. There are three parts to this training: 1) a two-hour Online Real Time training session; 2) two-hour assignment practicing or implementing the training material; and 3) another two-hour Online Real Time training session focused on reflection and next steps related to the training material. To receive the full 6 training hours you must attend both Online Real Time training sessions and complete the independent assignment.

Available Sessions

This training contains no sessions