T&L 2900: Suffix Spelling Rules

Whether you chunk words into syllables or morphemes there is a difference. Being able to recognize smaller meaningful units (morphemes) helps a student apply word analysis strategies and prior knowledge to help with comprehension. Prefixes, suffixes and root words will be used to better understand the difference between a syllable and a morpheme.

In addition to the $50 UND credit fee, applicants will be required to contact the instructor at homeschoolingwithmrs.miller@gmail.com to pay a separate $100 course fee to the instructor. The course fee will be coordinated by the instructor following registering at this site.

 Session Details

Schedule: Contact the IOR for session start and end times.

Cancellation Policy

If UND receives the Course Withdrawal Form 7 or more calendar days before the learning event start date, the fee paid to UND Professional Development for Educators minus a $35 processing fee will be refunded. If the fee paid to UND is less than $100 the processing fee will be waived. NO REFUNDS are available if a withdrawal notification is received 6 or less calendar days before the learning event start date.

Instructor or Facilitator

Name Additional Resources
Deena Miller