T&L 2900: Freshman 102: Building Skills for Success

This course is a continuation of Freshman 101.  Throughout this course, participants will create targeted lessons to address freshman skill deficits and ensure consistent implementation across school classrooms. Educators will actively support one another in refining their teaching practices and fostering a learning environment where all students can thrive. Throughout the school year, participants will have opportunities to reflect, share, and support each other in implementing these strategies to enhance freshman success.

 Session Details

Schedule: Contact the IOR for session start and end times.
Attached Credit (1 credit, S/U grade) : $50.00 (Coupon Required)

Cancellation Policy

If UND receives the Course Withdrawal Form 7 or more calendar days before the learning event start date, the fee paid to UND Professional Development for Educators minus a $35 processing fee will be refunded. If the fee paid to UND is less than $100 the processing fee will be waived. NO REFUNDS are available if a withdrawal notification is received 6 or less calendar days before the learning event start date.

Instructor or Facilitator

Name Additional Resources
Jennifer Shearer