T&L 2900: ONL: Understanding Leadership
This course, based upon the work of Peter Northouse, will be an introduction about what it takes to lead effectively. Everyone at some point is asked to lead, whether it is coaching your child's basketball team, directing a school curriculum meeting, or organizing your family's summer vacation...many situations require leadership. This online asynchronous 1-credit course will give an overview of different leadership theories and approaches; will provide a questionnaire that will allow participants to analyze their own impressions of the word leadership; and will help students apply their learning to sample case studies.
The instructor will provide voice-over PowerPoint slides of the course's content. The voice-over will include real-life examples as well as visuals that will help with student understanding. Topics within the presentation will include the following:
- The Evolution of Leadership
- How to Think about Leadership
- An Explanation of Leadership
- Leadership as a Trait, Ability, Skill, Behavior, Relationship, & Influence Process
- Universal Leadership Attributes
- The Dark Side of Leadership
- Practicing Leadership
Several additional multi-media and journal article links associated with Understanding Leadership will be included within the modules to further student comprehension.
To assess the learning of the above topics, students will be given a 10-question learning check that can be taken until they pass with a score of at least 8/10. Other forms of assessment involve the completion of a Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire/reflection as well as a reflection of a Case Study specific to their understanding of course content.
Course ResourcesUnderstanding Leadership (Course at a Glance) (PDF Document)