T&L 2900: VIR: How Does Life Science Affect Me?

It's expensive and difficult to travel to college classes considering fuel prices and our present life style. How Does Life Science Affect Me? course allows teachers to learn at their own pace, on their schedule, and from their own home or classroom.

How Does Life Science Affect Me? course is a complete set of "hands-on" lessons centered around a single conceptual unit of instruction. Included in the course are: course syllabus, assessment menu, grading guide, student pages, teacher pages, safety guidelines and helps, student assessments, and teacher assessments.

By selecting to do How Does Life Science Affect Me? the teacher can increase their science knowledge and improve their science curriculum at the same time because the teacher, as the purchaser, can use these lessons for their personal classroom use.

For the teacher to receive their credit, there is a list of assessment requirements. Think of these like a "menu" of learning enhancements designed to help the teacher become more proficient in a specific content area.Thislets the professional take advantage of their personal learning skills and methods. But more importantly they can improve their student's performance in real science learning.

This course is appropriate for Grades K-2.

Please refer to the Course Resource document for more course information (requirements, grading, etc.)

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Course Resources
How Does Life Science Affect Me (Course at a Glance) (PDF Document)


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