Course Detail: 336UNITS - 336 Special Units of World War II Part I

In this class we will examine the Units that were created for special assignments. We will look at units from both the Allies and Axis Powers. Each unit has its own unique history, one Unit with a local link. Part II will be offered in the fall session. This class will be taught by Jim Reha an OLLI member and retired teacher.

 Session Information: 336S24 (29 seats (72%) remaining)

Schedule: Every week on Monday, starting on 06/03/24 and ending on 06/24/24
Only 27 days left to register!
Times: 01:00pm-03:00pm EDT


Name Additional Resources
Jim Reha

Facility Detail

SVSU Campus
Curtiss Hall, Room 140
7400 Bay Rd
University Center, MI 48710