Course Detail: 100ECOMMUNITY - 100E OLLI-SVSU First Year Life Skills Speaker Series - COMMUNITY

OLLI members are invited to volunteer for our Speaking Series, designed for SVSU first-year students. We're seeking speakers to share their expertise on essential life skills. Please register using the code below for the topic you wish to address. Sessions will be scheduled between September and October, accommodating speaker and coordinator availability. Each session lasts one hour, followed by a 30-minute discussion, totaling a 1.5 to 2-hour commitment from OLLI volunteers on session days. Your real-life examples and experiences will enrich the learning journey for students. 

(100e) Session: Community Session - examine what it means to be part of a community, thebenefits of community involvement, and ways to contribute positively to their local andbroader communities. Topics may include building relationships, collaborating, and understanding diverse perspectives.

 Session Information: 100EF24 (25 seats (100%) remaining)

Schedule: Location and time to be determined.
Times: 12:00pm-04:00pm EDT
Member Price : $0.00

Facility Detail

SVSU Campus
Curtiss Hall
7400 Bay Rd
University Center, MI 48710