Certificate Detail: DB-CMAI - Certificate of Management in Aircraft Accident Investigation

images of aircraft accidents

About the Program

This Embry-Riddle Certificate program provides training and education in the field of aircraft accident investigation. The global expansion and increase in aviation and aircraft activity, alongside regulatory changes has increased the need for qualified and knowledgeable accident investigators. This program is designed to provide insight into the role of an accident investigator from theory to application, as well as provide an overall education in the field of aviation safety and aircraft design & survivability.

These courses will integrate classroom learning in conjunction with hands-on investigation in our state-of-the-art crash labs and University resources. Participants may earn the Certificate of Management in Aircraft Accident Investigation by completing the Aircraft Accident Investigation Course (Basic) and any three of the elective courses.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Embry-Riddle awards Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to each attendee who successfully completes each of the courses in the Certificate of Management in Aircraft Accident Investigation.

Who Should Attend

These courses are tailored for industry professionals involved in the management, supervision and operations of aviation organizations. All courses in the Certificate of Management in Aircraft Accident Investigation are offered in an interactive classroom setting with subject matter experts from within the aviation industry. Offering these courses allows for real classroom discussion, interaction with professors, and endless networking opportunities with other industry professionals attending the course. In the past five years, we have welcomed over 500 aviation professionals originating from over 100 countries to our short-course series at the Daytona Beach and Prescott Campuses.

How to Obtain your Certificate

  1. Register and complete the one mandatory course and three elective courses (in any order)
  2. Contact ERAU to request your Certificate

Contact Us

Contact: Daytona Beach Professional Programs
Email: dbproed@erau.edu
Tel: 386.226.2983