Course Detail: MPHA-28-0624 - MPHA Conference Sponsorship Options

Sponsorship Levels:
  • Friend: $60 - Will get 1 conference registration and name recognition at the conference. 
  • Patron: $100 - Will get 2 conference registrations and 1/2 slide promotion at the conference.
  • Partner: $150 - Will get 3 conference registrations and a full slide promotion at the conference.
If purchasing patron and partner, please forward your camera-ready art to Marcia Ditmyer,

 Session Information: SPONS-V18-2024 (250 seats (100%) remaining)

Schedule: Sponsorship Levels:Friend: $60 - Will get 1 conference registration and name recognition at the conference.Patron: $100 - Will get 2 conference registrations and 1/2 slide promotion at the conference.Partner: $150 - Will get 3 conference registrations and a full slide promotion at the conference.If purchasing patron and partner, please forward your camera-ready art to Marcia Ditmyer,
Only 27 days left to register!
Times: 11:00am-03:30pm EDT

Facility Detail

SVSU Campus
Curtiss Hall, Banquet Rooms
7400 Bay Rd
University Center, MI 48710