Course Detail: MRWC - Managing Remote Workers Series (Online Only Offering)

Remote Working and Communicating (Online Only Offering): Working remotely does not make you an expert on remote work. Gain new insights, experiences and advanced tips for working from home. Find out the 5 bad habits too many remote workers and their managers acquire from lack of experience, tools and expertise. Then acquire the latest strategies for communicating with remote workers. Come away with a deeper understanding of this enormous cultural and work shift going on in the workplace and in society. 

Available Online Only, June 3-28

Managing Remote Workers (Online Only Offering): You cannot manage remote workers like you manage office workers. But you can manage remote workers better, with greater productivity and efficiency. Discover the keys to successful managing in the new workplace of the 21st century. Get a step-by-step practical guide you won't get anywhere else. Employees and employers both like the new system. You'll want to apply these practices to your office workers as well.  

Available Online Only, July 1-26

Remote Worker Manager Practicum
Your third month will be spent mastering what you need to know and documenting your achievement. The practicum includes: Weekly communication 1:1 with your instructor. Study and taking of the RWM (Remote Work Manager) exam. Writing a 750- 1,000 word (roughly 3 pages) paper on how you will next work to implement or improve your management of remote work.

Available Online Only, Aug. 5-30

Managing Remote Workers Certificate (Online Only Offering): Register for the certificate option and receive both of the above courses for a discounted package rate. Certificate administered by UGotClass®. If you would like to register for the Certification option, please do so when registering and you will receive access to all courses in the session.

 Session Information: PDU24-MRWC-03X

Schedule: Every day, starting on 08/05/24 and ending on 08/30/24
Times: 12:00am-12:00am CDT
Remote Worker Manager Practicum (Session Only) : $245.00


This course will be offered via UGotClass and is a complete at your own pace online course. The course must be completed by the end date listed above. Please note the end dates of each course within a certificate as the course must be completed by the end date of each session. If you are registered for a certificate, one will be automatically sent to you at the completion of all coursework.


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Facility Detail

Box 1084
Edwardsville, IL 62026