Certificate detail: GENINFO - General Information

What does a KLETC Certificate do for you?

Participating in KLETC Certificate Programs provide endless benefits for those individuals who desire to develop personal and professional growth in the area of public safety.
  • Gain a Competitive Advantage: Certifications can differentiate you from other professionals in your field, showing that you have a demonstrated commitment to understanding and excelling in the public safety profession.
  • Expand Knowledge and Skills: By acquiring new and updated industry information or techniques, you can hone current work habits that may be causing inefficiencies or quality issues with your output while increasing your competencies. This can help give you the skills and confidence to try something new such as establishing the groundwork to implement a more sophisticated working environment.
  • Refresh your Knowledge: Continuing education keeps you current. Even if you've got a lot of experience, certification training can raise your conceptual understanding to a higher level and reconfirm what you already practice. Certification, whether required or optional, will help you make sure you're at the top of traditional public safety standards. And the sooner you have that new knowledge, the faster you can apply it within your agency.
  • Build Connections: Not only are you improving your knowledge and your employment options by getting the certification itself, the connections where you train can be an ongoing source of networking, information, and career development.
  • Build Professional Credibility: Certification demonstrates your commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning. These merits can help boost your professional credibility and prestige within your network, with your current organization, and when pursuing new opportunities in and outside of the public sector.

How do I obtain a KLETC Certificate?

Successful completion of this certificate program, requires participants to complete all required classes. To compliment and balance your educational experience, a final capstone project is also required. Choose one of the following:
  • Candidate will compose a research paper with a PowerPoint presentation over your choice of topic inspired by the training specific to this certificate. The paper should be no less than four pages and must include an additional page on which citations are included. The PowerPoint presentation is meant to highlight the core concepts of your research paper and will be presented to the KLETC Professional Development Committee either in person at KLETC or remotely using Zoom or Skype. The research paper will need to be submitted prior to the PowerPoint presentation or with the PowerPoint presentation if you choose to present in person.
  • Candidate to develop a training course that is at least four hours in length, but no more than eight hours, on a topic specific to Health and Wellness. Prior to delivery, a formal course outline to be submitted to the KLETC Professional Development Committee and is to include participant learning competencies, lesson plan and course objectives. The candidate may choose the location of where the course will be conducted and KLETC will assist with all other logistics. In addition, the candidate must have successfully completed the KLETC Instructor Development Program or equivalent prior to presenting their training course.

Please contact Mary Ellen Kirkbride or Jenny Caywood to request an application or answer any questions.


This certificate contains no courses