Course Detail: CEPD-PMPCOL - Project Management Professional (PMP)® Test Preparation 100% Online

Prepare to earn your PMP Certification by taking our 100% online, on-demand preparation course.  Our prep course will aid you in your efforts to go on to take the PMP Certification Exam.
Examples of the content covered is.
  • Breakdown of knowledge areas and process groups
  • A detailed explanation of the five performance domains
  • Simplifications of formulas in time, cost and procurement management
  • Advanced problem-solving techniques
  • Workflow diagramming techniques
  • Over 200+ mock PMP exam questions
Our workshop covers the PMBOK Guide and Standards material through a combination of learning through video presentations, hands-on exercises, and exam simulation questions. Participants will have access to the presentations and corresponding videos even after the course. This preparation course exceeds the necessary 35.00-hour project management training requirement by the PMI to apply the exam. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a Certificate of Completion and proof of completion which is needed to apply for the PMP exam.
This workshop is a must for anyone interested in earning their PMP certification in addition to any project manager looking to learn advanced project management techniques.
If you have any questions about our workshop email Rich Manprisio at
Funding Available: This is a  WIOA Approved Program 

 Session Information: CEPD-PMPCOL-24FA1

Schedule: Students can register now and start any day between 8/26/2024 through 10/11/2024, you will have access for six weeks. Course begins 8/26/2024. Course is 100% online via Blackboard.
Times: 12:00am-11:59pm CDT
PMP Test Prep : $1200.00