Course Detail: LD050 - Designing and Leading Change

Designing change that matters and accelerating its integration into a new way of doing business is the centerpiece of this workshop. You'll discover the three phases of transition, the 4Ps of new beginnings, the three questions to ask of any change initiative, effective change communication strategies, and a variety of smart ways to design change with intentionality and care. Participants should be leading, participating in, or considering change initiatives or projects in their organization. You'll learn to apply the principles of change management to your specific case.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to Apply design thinking and collaborative processes in designing change.

  • Act as a proactive change agent.
  • Initiate and support change within the organization.
  • Implement strategies to help others adapt to changes in the work environment.
  • Emphasize and foster creativity and innovation.
  • Recognize the impact change has on morale and productivity.
  • Communicate effectively about how and when change will occur.
  • Involve staff in the change process.
  • Help colleagues break from the past.
  • Create a change management plan for your project.
CEUs: .7
Contact Hours: 7

Available Sessions