Course Detail: C_UNDERSTANDINGCOVID19 - 2020 - Understanding the Covid-19 Pandemic: Resilience & Recovery

<p>Using an interdisciplinary perspective, students will gain broad background in understanding the Covid-19 pandemic, its global and local impact, and recovery from it. The course is delivered through a series of online lectures taught by faculty experts from Muskie School programs, Business, Maine Law, and the School of Social Work, as well as outside guests. Each lecturer will present an aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic through their disciplinary lens, highlighting how we understand, track, mitigate, and recover from its impacts.</p>

<p>The 1-credit version of this course is being offered to undergrad and graduate students with additional class time and assignments. Member of the public (for whom the CEUs are designed for) will be able to join the 1-hour lecture and Q&amp;A session each week.</p>

<p>Topics covered<br />
&middot; Epidemiology of Covid-19<br />
&middot; Public health systems &amp; health policy<br />
&middot; Crisis management<br />
&middot; Global/local disparities in impacts &amp; outcomes<br />
&middot; Privacy rights &amp; freedoms; federalism<br />
&middot; Mental health and vulnerable populations<br />
&middot; Criminal justice/social justice<br />
&middot; Impacts on global and US economy and workforce<br />
&middot; Recovery from the pandemic<br />
<br />
Instructor Name: Firooza Pavri and other faculty</p>

Available Sessions