Course Detail: C_ISLANDTEACH - Island Teacher's Conference

Contact Hrs/CEUs: 10/1.0

The Island Institute works to sustain Maine's island and remote coastal communities. Our core program areas-including economic development, education, community energy, marine resources, and media-are driven by the requests of community members themselves. Our commitment to the islands of Maine includes sharing what works among these diverse communities and beyond.

The Education Program works closely with the 13 island schools as well as coastal and rural schools. Schools are at the center of these communities making them a critical factor in ensuring the vitality of a community. An island school with strong leaders and staff, innovative and creative programming, and involved community members will attract people who want a quality education for their children. We support these schools in many different ways including professional development opportunities, networking, coordinating inter-island events for students and teachers, curriculum development and distance learning technology.

Instructors: Yvonne Thomas and others

 Session Information: CISLANDTEACH_EDIS3001_F18 (99 seats (99%) remaining)

Schedule: Two days, starting on 10/04/18 and ending on 10/05/18
Times: 08:00am-03:00pm EDT
CEU Processing : $12.00


Name Additional Resources
Yvonne Thomas

Facility Detail

Hutchinson Center
80 Belmont Ave
Belfast, ME 04915