T&L 2900: VIR: Understanding Adolescents (Instructor-Moderated)
Yesterday, she was a sweet young girl. Today, you swear aliens have abducted her and put an evil twin in her place.
To know your kids is to love them. In this course, an experienced social worker will help you gain a deep understanding and appreciation of your adolescent's development and behavior. You'll uncover the secrets of the adolescent mind and gain valuable information on how they think, how they feel, and how their identities develop.
Parents, family members, teachers and related support staff, child and youth workers, counselors, nurses and the like will all benefit from the information shared in this course. You'll learn about the many physical, emotional, and cognitive changes that affect the teens in your life, and you'll understand the significance of these changes both for you and the adolescent. You'll look into relationships both in and outside of the home and the development of a teen's identity. You'll explore personality, moral development and the role of faith.
Finally, you'll gain an understanding as to how teens are affected by stress, including common defense mechanisms, coping techniques, and common mental health issues.
- 1 credit offering
- $135.00
To register for this offering, please click here: Understanding Adolescents. This online course may be taken self-guided or instructor-moderated. You will have the option when enrolling.