Course Detail: ELTC-3359 - Intro to Electrical Licensing

Ready to get started in the electrical trade? Begin with the basics of safety, tools, and equipment, then move on to measurements, interpreting schematics, and wiring basics circuits, terminations, switches, and receptacles.

 Session Information: 2026ST-ELTC-3359-S1071

Schedule: Every week on Monday and Wednesday, starting on 07/02/25 and ending on 08/20/25 (excluding 08/04/25)
Times: 06:00pm-09:00pm CDT
Tuition: $325
Book cost: $100 : $425.00


Name Additional Resources
Phillip Lancaster

Facility Detail

Lemley Memorial Campus - Building H
Electrical Technology Shop (H101)
3420 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK 74147

Refund Guidelines