Course Detail: MACH-3349 - SolidWorks®

Required skill/experience: Basic computer skills.
Use SolidWorks®, the powerful and widely used 3D mechanical design automation software, to design parts quickly and accurately as well as build parametric models of parts and assemblies.

 Session Information: 2025ST-MACH-3349-S3041 (5 seats (50%) remaining)

Schedule: Every week on Tuesday and Thursday, starting on 04/03/25 and ending on 05/20/25
Times: 06:00pm-09:00pm CDT
Tuition: $365
Book cost: $55 : $420.00


Name Additional Resources
Ethel Rodriguez Santos

Facility Detail

Broken Arrow Campus - F Wing
Drafting 2 Classroom (F-208)
4000 W Florence St
Broken Arrow, OK 74011

Refund Guidelines