Course Detail: ECE-4126 - CDA 2 - Competency 3

Focus on the development of children's social skills, empathy, and respect for others through the use of positive guidance techniques and prevention of behavior problems. Discover the relationship between guidance methods and children's individuality, personality, and developmental needs. Books required.

 Session Information: 2025ST-ECE-4126-S9011

Schedule: Every week on Tuesday and Thursday, starting on 01/28/25 and ending on 03/06/25
Times: 06:30pm-09:30pm CST
To register for this session, please call (918) 828-5000.


Name Additional Resources
Kerby Bunch

Facility Detail

Lemley Memorial Campus - Client Service Center
Training Room 11 (1423)
3638 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK 74145

Refund Guidelines