Course Detail: ECE-4087 - Infant Crying - A Trigger for Child Abuse

Discover information about newborn and infant crying patterns, inconsolable crying (The Period of PURPLE Crying©), soothing techniques, and strategies to prevent Abusive Head Trauma and Shaken Baby Syndrome.

 Session Information: 2025ST-ECE-4087-S9021

Schedule: Every day, starting on 02/27/25 and ending on 02/27/25
Only 10 days left to register!
Times: 06:30pm-08:30pm CST
Tuition: $0 : $0.00


Name Additional Resources
Guest Speaker

Facility Detail

Lemley Memorial Campus - Client Service Center
Training Room 25 (2421)
3638 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK 74145

Refund Guidelines