Course Detail: CIS-4209 - Computer Essentials

Does the idea of turning on the computer and understanding all the programs overwhelm you? Ease your way into technology by exploring the Windows desktop, file storage, sharing and downloading files and photos, Internet search engines, and basic features of Microsoft Office software. Book included.

 Session Information: 2025ST-CIS-4209-S4021

Schedule: Every week on Tuesday and Thursday, starting on 02/18/25 and ending on 02/20/25
Only 1 day left to register!
Times: 06:00pm-10:00pm CST
Tuition: $59
Book cost: Included : $59.00


Name Additional Resources
Natasha Smith

Facility Detail

Riverside Campus - F Wing
Aerospace Academy Classroom (F134)
801 East 91st Street
Tulsa, OK 74132

Refund Guidelines