Course Detail: ADVT-3354 - Architectural Design Illustration

Elevate your design skills by mastering 2D and 3D drawings and applying mixed media techniques to create stunning pen-and-ink and color presentations.

 Session Information: 2025ST-ADVT-3354-S9011 (5 seats (50%) remaining)

Schedule: Every week on Monday, starting on 01/27/25 and ending on 03/10/25 (excluding 02/17/25)
Times: 06:00pm-09:00pm CST
To register for this session, please call (918) 828-5000.


Name Additional Resources
Rick Bartholomew

Facility Detail

Lemley Memorial Campus - Client Service Center
Training Room 10 (1422)
3638 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK 74145

Refund Guidelines