Course Detail: HVAC-3338 - A/C Electrical

Discover the effects of voltage, amperage, and resistance on electrical controls, motors, and wiring diagrams. In the lab, you'll practice how to wire components of heating and air conditioning systems. Book required.

 Session Information: 2024ST-HVAC-3338-S1051

Schedule: Every week on Tuesday and Thursday, starting on 05/28/24 and ending on 07/18/24 (excluding 07/04/24)
Only 28 days left to register!
Times: 06:00pm-10:00pm CDT
Tuition: $455
Book cost: $265 : $720.00


Name Additional Resources
Braxton Richardson

Facility Detail

Lemley Memorial Campus - Building H
HVAC Technology Shop (H105)
3420 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK 74147

Refund Guidelines