Course Detail: WELL-3340 - Safe Sitter®

Required skill/experience: Must be at least 11 years old to attend.
Young entrepreneurs considering childcare will gain adequate preparation in childcare, safety, and potential household emergencies in this engaging, interactive class. Bring a sack lunch.

 Session Information: 2025ST-WELL-3340-S6041

Schedule: Every week on Saturday, starting on 04/12/25 and ending on 04/12/25
Times: 08:00am-02:30pm CDT
Tuition: $49
Book cost: $25 : $74.00


Name Additional Resources
Kerby Bunch

Facility Detail

Lemley Memorial Campus - Health Science Center
ACD Lab (1305)
3350 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK 74145

Refund Guidelines