Course Detail: PLMB-3344 - Plumbing Foundation

Designed to provide foundational skills and knowledge for a career in the plumbing profession, this class will prepare you with essential training in important safety measures and math concepts you will use in all phases of the plumbing trade.

 Session Information: 2025ST-PLMB-3344-S1031

Schedule: Every week on Tuesday and Thursday, starting on 03/25/25 and ending on 04/24/25
Times: 06:00pm-10:00pm CDT
Tuition: $325
Book cost: $190 : $515.00


Name Additional Resources
Seth Hix

Facility Detail

Lemley Memorial Campus - Annex
Plumbing Room (128)
3420 South Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK 74145

Refund Guidelines