Instructor: Jessica Swalley
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Classes by this Instructor
Arranging the Early Learning Environment
The arrangement of the physical environment is a vital part of any program. Gather ideas for helping staff use the arrangement of space and materials to meet the developmental needs of young children.
March 3-9, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online
Authentic Assessment - Infants / Toddlers
Gather ideas for using assessments to enhance learning in your early childhood setting. Discuss how to use observations to create developmentally appropriate learning experiences for infants and toddlers.
May 12-18, 2025, Online
Autism & Communication Strategies
Learn specific visual strategies and communication systems designed to help caregivers support children with Autism.
May 5-11, 2025, Online
Autism & Positive Behavioral Supports
Improve your ability to help care for and educate young children with Autism as you concentrate on learning specific behavior and guidance strategies.
April 21-27, 2025, Online
Behavior Strategies for Children
Children with special needs often display behaviors that appear inappropriate and disruptive. Learn specific strategies to guide children toward a more appropriate response.
February 10-16, 2025, Online
June 2-8, 2025, Online
June 2-8, 2025, Online
Being Outdoors - Infants / Toddlers
Spending time outdoors is a valuable experience for even the youngest children. Gather ideas for making outside time one of learning, enjoyment, and exploration.
March 3-9, 2025, Online
Building Supervisory Relationships
Discuss the challenges commonly faced when supervising others. Gather ideas for managing friends, family, men, women, and a variety of generations in the workplace.
March 31, 2025 to April 6, 2025, Online
Children & Autism Spectrum Disorder
What is Autism? Explore ways to provide developmentally appropriate care and education techniques for working with young children with Autism.
April 14-20, 2025, Online
Children & Sensory Processing Disorders
Children with Sensory Processing Disorder, also known as Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID), have trouble organizing information coming in through their senses. Explore the characteristics of children with sensory processing issues and examine strategies for assisting these children in the early childhood setting.
May 12-18, 2025, Online
Children & Speech & Language Disorders
Become familiar with factors influencing speech and language development and discover ways to support children with special needs as they develop communication skills.
March 31, 2025 to April 6, 2025, Online
Children - Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Young children are often seen as defiant when they are tired, hungry, or upset. However, there are a growing number of children who exhibit defiant behaviors at other times and more frequently. You will learn the symptoms, causes, and classroom strategies for helping young children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
May 12-18, 2025, Online
Children Who Are Gifted & Talented
Young children who display gifts or talents in particular areas benefit from having responsive caregivers who can meet their needs in the child care setting. Discover ways to identify each child's gifts and talents and to individualize curriculum for students in the early childhood setting.
April 7-13, 2025, Online
DAP - Beyond the Basics for Directors
Discuss the guidelines of a developmentally appropriate program and examine excellence in the administration of an early learning program.
April 14-20, 2025, Online
Effective Communication for Directors
Do you communicate effectively with your staff? Discover practical ways to communicate and connect with the families of children in your childcare setting.
February 3-9, 2025, Online
June 2-8, 2025, Online
June 2-8, 2025, Online
Encouraging Professionalism
Help staff grow in their commitment to your program and the field of early childhood education by encouraging professional attitudes and behaviors. Provide your staff with the knowledge and assistance they need to provide the best possible experiences for children and families.
March 10-16, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online
Ethics in Early Childhood Education
Explore the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct while considering how this position statement impacts the actions of both you and your staff.
April 7-13, 2025, Online
Families of Children with Special Needs
Share information and connect with the families of children with special needs.
June 2-8, 2025, Online
Family Child Care Policies & Contracts
As a small business owner, you should have contracts and policies in place that help you communicate with families. Explore the components of effective contracts and policies, as well as the pitfalls to avoid.
March 31, 2025 to April 6, 2025, Online
Family Communication - Infant / Toddlers
Discover ways to foster good communication with the families of infants and toddlers. Discuss ways to incorporate information shared by families into the early learning setting.
April 7-13, 2025, Online
Finding & Keeping Families
Gather ideas for simple and inexpensive marketing techniques that will help attract families to your program. Ideas for communicating with existing families and getting them involved will also be shared.
March 10-16, 2025, Online
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Become familiar with ways to include children with special needs in the child care setting. Identify the definition of special needs, learn about guidelines for working with children with disabilities, and gather ideas for making adaptations to curriculum, activities, materials, and equipment.
March 3-9, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online
Infant / Toddler Classroom
Explore strategies for encouraging meaningful interactions and gather tips for creating a successful infant toddler environment.
March 31, 2025 to April 6, 2025, Online
Leadership Strategies for Behaviors
Designed for center administrators to discover how to help staff use an evidence-based framework to address children's social and emotional development and challenging behavior.
May 5-11, 2025, Online
Lesson Plans & Resources - Infants / Toddlers
Lesson plans are an important component of any high-quality early learning environment. Review the components of successful lesson plans and discover available resources and creative ideas geared towards young children.
April 14-20, 2025, Online
Open & Maintain Family Child Care
Discover how to open your family child care, including balancing time and money, regulatory entities, and resources.
March 3-9, 2025, Online
Positive Guidance for Infants / Toddlers
Explore what it means to create a foundation for positive social interactions during infancy. Discuss factors that influence behavior and review tips for handling difficult toddler behaviors.
May 5-11, 2025, Online
Responsive Caregiving - Infants / Toddlers
Examine the value of relationships in the infant and toddler early learning setting while discussing the importance of secure attachments.
March 10-16, 2025, Online
Survival Skills for Center Directors
Become more comfortable in the job of Child Care Center Director by discovering key elements of a center director's job. Identify strategies for making the job more enjoyable while becoming a more effective leader.
May 12-18, 2025, Online
Temperament & Observation - Infants / Toddlers
Investigate various temperament traits and how to observe them in children. Discover ways to use this knowledge to build positive relationships with infants and toddlers and to plan effectively.
April 21-27, 2025, Online
Time & Money Management for Directors
Learn how to effectively manage your resources, as well as those of your childcare center. Explore the topics of budgeting, fundraising, collecting fees, delegating responsibilities, dealing with paper piles, and much more.
April 21-27, 2025, Online
Train & Motivate Your Staff
How do you make meetings and trainings for your staff more fun and meaningful? Discover inexpensive ways to encourage and motivate your employees.
June 2-8, 2025, Online
Young Children & Anxiety Disorders
You will be introduced to the concept of anxiety disorders and developmentally typical anxiety. Discuss the three major anxiety types seen in young children, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Signs and symptoms for each sub-type and strategies for helping children will be shared.
May 5-11, 2025, Online
Young Children Who Are Highly Active
Young children are naturally energetic, but why are some children highly active? Discover reasons for high activity levels, and what you can do to help guide and support children who consistently exhibit impulsive, distracted behaviors.
March 10-16, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online
June 9-15, 2025, Online