Course Detail: PROG-3340 - Web Design & Development

Begin the journey into web development with foundational skills in the newest standards of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These two building blocks of the web are core technologies for creating web pages. HTML provides the content and structure of the page, and CSS allows you to style the content with a visual layout specific to a variety of devices. Bring a thumb drive to class.

 Session Information: 2024ST-PROG-3340-S4041

Schedule: Every week on Monday and Wednesday, starting on 04/29/24 and ending on 05/22/24
Times: 06:00pm-09:00pm CDT
This session contains no associated Fee Codes, so you cannot register at this time


Name Additional Resources
Sarah Holmes

Facility Detail

Riverside Campus - F Wing
Computer Network Technology Classroom (F242)
801 East 91st Street
Tulsa, OK 74132

Refund Guidelines