Course Detail: WTWD310 - JavaScript Programming Essentials

This 30-hour course meets twice a week for five weeks. As a result of this training, students will be able to understand and apply JavaScript basics; manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM); implement event handling and dynamic content; and explore JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

 Session Information: 25SP-WTWD310-01

Schedule: This course meets every Monday and Wednesday from 5:30pm to 8:30pm in CT-018D starting 4/28/25 and ending 5/28/25. Holiday: May 26 for Memorial Day.
Times: 05:30pm-08:30pm MDT
Cost : $460.00


Name Additional Resources
Jonah Ericson
Josh Austin

Class Location

Taylorsville Redwood Campus
Taylorsville Redwood Campus - CT, 018D
4600 Redwood Rd
Salt Lake City, UT 84123

Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of 100.00% will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 2 days of the start of this session.