Course Detail: I5WEBQUERY - Informer 5 - Building Web Queries

In this class, participants will learn how to construct a call to a Web Datasource (for example a REST data provider) and interpret the response. Using JavaScript, learn how to format the response into a table and call for additional pages of data. This is a 2-hour class. Prerequisites: Advanced Flow Steps (or solid understanding of JavaScript and JSON) and knowledge of a REST-like data provider.

Course Resources
Course Syllabus - Building Web Queries (PDF Document)

 Session Information: I5WQ009

Schedule: Every day, starting on 06/17/25 and ending on 06/17/25
Times: 01:00pm-03:00pm EDT
Reg Fee : $300.00


Name Additional Resources
Randall Williams

Facility Information

Entrinsik Online University
Online Class
Raleigh, NC 27615

Cancellation Policy

A cancellation charge of $35.00 will be assessed if you cancel prior to 14 days before the start of the session.